soon you’ll be the one who is forgotten…

Posted: April 29, 2006 in Day and a life of...
…it’s so close but so far away…
(Be sure to read the post previous to this…done pretty much the same day haha)

Just basically got settled down after my evening tonight. Was feeling pretty alone for alot of the night even though I had alot of company. My mind is concentrated on a specific someone right now. It was good to hang out with this paticular group tonight however. I really enjoyed tonight. I will tell you of our epic adventures to the best of my ability!

I ended up going to the station mall with my good friends kyle n’ mark hoffman. We just walked around for a good hour & a bit doing really nothing but kill time. It was fun but boring at the same time. We saw alot of people n’ left the mall with nothing. We were kinda waiting around to see if frank needed a lift home but he didn’t so we kinda just left. We ended back at my place for abit where I spoke with a few people on msn. We then wasted some time playing some Halo…which is always a good time killer…ya right haha. We also stopped to get a 24 of lucky on the way home..i forgot to mention that part.

Anyways, eventually Joe came over & joined the party. It was after 9pm by this time & it was myself, Joe, Mark, Kyle & Bob (Marc). We were bored, playing some tunes, fucking around on the xbox & talking. But we all wanted to do something. Some of us wanted to go to house parties, others wanted to go for epic drunk walks, others wanted to rent 25 hookers & see how many we can get done in 15 minutes, & others really just wanted to do something fun. I’ll leave it up to you to guess which one I suggested. haha. Anyways, we were fucking bored & just ended up debaiting what to do for at least 2 hours! We had a case of beer in my jeep & no-one did anything about it!

I don’t remember the time, but finally we decided what we were gunna do tonight. By this time however, Mark had left my house & it was just the 4 of us. We finally said ‘fuck it’ & left the basement to try to do something. We figured we’d take my car since joe’s truck fit 3 nicely. We had 4 people so we figured it was we had a 24 in the back seat! Clearly ‘SMRT’! We met up with Mark who was at home. He wanted to bring his own car because he had to leave by 12 to call his girlfriend or something?? Whatever haha..but anyways, we began our journey! We headed to A&P! (This happens often)

We pull into the A&P parkinglot & finally park after senseless driving around trying to hit each others cars. Before we get into the building I run into another person I know! Victor! He was gathering karts. We go inside & begin our epic food search. We failed in finding anything free but we left with glorious treasures which we scammed like mother fuckers! Seriously, we have skillz beyond belief. Joe & Bob bought some chocolate milk shit & boxes of Joe Louies. Mark bought a Yo-Play juice thingy & crackers. Kyle & I bought forks & a cake. Yes, we bought a fucking cake haha! It was $7 bucks cheapier since we switched price tags with a cheaper cake lol. Good trick huh? Well it will be worth it…listen to that part later!

As we leave the A&P, Mark drives off to do whatever & the 4 of us get back in the Jeep! Sexy Cherokee! We pull out & get on Great Northern. We are heading down towards bruce st & kyle opens the cake. He starts to eat some & I get all like: "Dood, wtf? I want some of that shit too!". So we stop at the stop lights, & I also start eating the cake. We are talking a full out double decker fruit cake thingy that is getting pwned at an intersection while I am still driving. It was good & distracting. I decided to find a back alley to pull over so we all may binge the cake. Well, we got a good portion done but there was so much cake, & kyle was feeling just as sick as me over how much we ate. We knew what must be done.


We went driving around to cake some fucker but we didn’t really find anyone nor felt a random person wasnt deserving. So, we did the next best thing. Yah, im pissed we didnt cake some fucker too..I just wanted to own someone like the old times..but no, not tonight. This shall be saved for deserving fuckers. Anyways, back to the cake. We pulled up to some stop sign & these 3 kids walked by..we yelled at them & asked if they wanted the rest of the cake. They agreed. We gave them forks. They started eating it. I found it funny as I drove away..i mean how do they know its fine? I coulda just blown a epic load in it OR we coulda cleveland steamer’d it…haha…ah well, we didnt…so it was cool. They looked high anyways so have a good night guys! haha..

As we drive around, we wanna find something to do..can we do it? YES WE CAN! For the second time today, I find myself after a good half our of random driving & chaos pulling into Bellveue Park again. We decided to park in the MnR parking since the park is suppose to be closed & its just easier to park elsewhere rather on the road. We get out & decided to go exploring. It was good times! It was dark, but after we climbed the first hill we got blinded by a very powerful light! It was blinding like a fucker. We ran around, climbed shit & almost fell into the river. Yup. It was a strong light. We then walked around & watched people do drug deals avoiding detection. (Yes we were bored)..after we got bored watching all the cars pulling up & leaving, we started to head back to the jeep. On the way, we heard people. We wanted to see where they were so we snuck around. After we noticed they parked on the lawn & who knows what they were doing, we thought it was go time.

We walked back to the Jeep but instead, Joe: "Lets go to the Park!".
Yup, we did. And…well…it was AWESOME! It really was a good time. We climbed around on all the fucking stuff. It’s been since grade 7-8 since i’ve done this…It was fun, no little kids, good company & we can be as loud as we wanted. We hit up every playground thingy, including the swings, tire swing, slides, & that god damn merry-go-round thingy…fuck, i hate those! We had a good 45 minutes there until we got bored & said its home time haha.

On the way back, we were having good laughs when we saw at least 6 police cars parked all over the city in different areas with their lights on. I suggested it was perfect time to cause crime since the pigs are all just parked around the sault..we all had nothing really to do so we  said, whatever..& headed back to my place. We got back here, we watched Futurama but we are all exhausted. We all decided it was bed time at the same time. Joe n’ bob & kyle left & I spent another 15 mins or so typing this out! So much more can be added but this is a pretty good general idea of the night. It was good. I have great friends who are around when I need them. Fucking Great guys, good times, many more to come.

I have a busy day planned tomorrow..I hope to have some time to add in for a few specific people, but if not. That is fine! There is always Sunday. I will now add a new foto album & go to bed! Have a good one & thanks for the read! Hope you enjoyed.


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